Sunday 9 July 2017

Purple Worm!!!

And now the dreadful Purple Worm from the Dungeons & Dragons Collector Series by Gale Force Nine.

I really like the sculpts from this series - but their "collector" status makes them more expensive than I would prefer - but I could not pass this model up when I saw it.

Painted spring 2016 

Saturday 8 July 2017


This Reaper Gnome was painted last fall for one of my players for an upcoming D&D campaign.
I was very happy with how the flame colors came out. I was also very happy with the paint job on the face.
I'm going to use him for size reference for some of my future monster posts.

Painted fall 2016

Wednesday 5 July 2017

Landsharks in the Dungeon

Ok - to start off I'll present one of the monster's I've recently completed painting.

This is the "Burrowing Horror" from Reaper's Bones line - but to me it is a Bullette, or Landshark from the Dungeons and Dragon RPG.

He's posed on some of my Dwarven Forge terrain.


Painted June 2017

Tuesday 4 July 2017

Post One

This will be my miniatures painting blog - once I get some pictures taken....