Monday 17 September 2018

I took a bunch of pictures today - and I'm going to have to work on setting up proper lighting as none of them came out very well.
I played with the color balance on this image and it's ...ok.

Anyway - I'm running my D&D campaign again come October, and one of the characters is a fighter who wields a large hammer & shield, and does NOT wear plate mail.

I discovered that out of my thousands of miniatures, the only ones wielding hammers are either wearing full plate or are obviously clerics.

As none fit the bill I modified this Reaper warrior - replacing the sword with a war hammer from a set of Warhammer weapons I have.


Sunday 16 September 2018

I'm beginning to build terrain for my games.
I've used Dwarven Forge and Terraclips - but I purchased a hot-wite foam cutter recently and I've started working with foam.

Just some basic hills to try out the work - very siple but I'm happy so far with the results.

Hopefully more to come soon.