Tuesday 20 August 2019


Last of the commissions: SPIDERS!!

I HATE these nasty horrible beasties - but they are fun to paint and always make horrific monsters to throw at a group dungeon delving adventurers!

These are Wizkids miniatures - they are very well detailed, and in addition to the standard black base Wizkids included some rocky terrain and a set of webbed up victims to add to the arachnid's bases.

Again - pictures are from my mobile phone - I need to do some research on taking photos of miniatures...

Cattle Commission

As I mentioned in my previous post I've been painting minis for my friends.
These cattle are from the Wiz-Kids unpainted line of miniatures.
My friends have been fans of the pre-painted minis - but some of the unpainted
line allows them to pick out the exact minis they want rather than a random assortment.
Aside from horses and animal predators (bears, wolves etc) this is my first set of "normal" creatures I've painted up. I took this with my camera phone, I'm going to have to get
better lighting & probably a tripod for my digital camera for future shots.


It has been a very long time since I've updated - but I've been painting a lot more recently and I'd like to get some of the work online.

This past weekend I finished some commissions from my gaming group that I thought I'd share.

First up is a rather fantastic sculpt printed on a friend's 3D printer.
I painted this one for him and he'll get a a copy for me soon.

I think it may be my favorite owlbear miniature ever, and I really enjoyed painting it.