Friday 23 August 2024


I thought since I have not used this blog for years, I would use it for updates for my current RPG Campaign.

RPG edition: Dungeons & Dragon 3.0/3.5/Malhavoc Press

Setting: Monte Cook's Ptolus (3.5)


Faeleth, Breca, Blunk, Olem, Varrick 
  • Blunk Deepstone
    Stonelost dwarf Runeblade (2nd) 
  • Breca Hugorm 
    Harrow elf Wizard (1st)
  • Faeleth
    Kemish human Rogue (1st)
  • Olem the Magnificent 
    Gnomish Wizard (1st)
  • Varrick Brechnar 
    Human Urban Ranger and ex-watchman. (2nd)
  • Raelone - Litorian Druid (1st) (currently travelling in the wilderness outside Ptolus)

Story Thus Far

The party began as member of the Delver's guild hired put a stop to raids a "new" Dungeon entrance located in woods of the Mane (park in Midtown), and to map and explore the area.

They immediately ran into orcs, goblins, ratmen and crazed cultists worshipping the Beast God Ravvan, as well as evidence of older treasures hidden in old, trapped and secure vaults. Over the space of the week the party 

  • made several forays into the Dungeon, 
  • saved a girl from some Pale Dog muggers/killers (who were to meet the man who hired them in a warehouse on Able Row after the deed was done), 
  • Raelone was captured and drugged by the Beast Cult, 
  • the party rescued Faeleth from Pale Dog gang members and a spellcasting cultists, 
  • Faeleth in returned helped them rescue Raelone from the Beast Cultists in a daring raid into the depths of the Beast Cult caves.
  • Note - Zombies are horrible to fight. 

Raelone has left to recuperate in the wilderness and Faeleth - on the run from a Serpent Cult, has joined the party.

Oh - and a grey cat has been following the party for most of the day - both in the city and in the Dungeon.

Session 8 
(Aug 14, 2024 )

Evening of 19th of Blessing, 721 I.A.                               

After rescuing Raelone and the other prisoners from the Cult and ushering them out of the Dungeon, Blunk, Faeleth and Varrick elected to investigate the meeting in the red warehouse on Able Row.

They found the back door unlocked and Blunk attempted to bluff his way into some information - but the villains inside launched an attack on him! Faeleth and Varrick ran around the front of the warehouse to break in the front doors. The strong doors resisted their first attempt - but Verrack noticed two large Assarai (lizardmen) approaching and offered them 20 gold if they would help. The Assarai didn't hesitate and helped them break in and joined the fight in the warehouse.

In the end the group slew an elf, human and a vicious Doberman. A search of the building and it's ledgers found no further clues, however they took their papers and the very nice gear of the villains. The Assarai took the body of the human and the dog (presumably to eat) and Blunk, Faeleth and Varrick dumped the elf's body into the sewers.

(The papers identified the elf as Laucio Dellinti and the human as Vagger Nulus)

About this time Breca caught up to the rest of the group - he had gone to the Delvers Guild office to do some research, and the headed over the Blunk's flat to leave a message for the dwarf, and noticed that there was a Pale Dog gang member watching the place. Assuming the other might be at the warehouse he raced over that way to warn them.

The four of them returned and ambushed the gang member - bundling him into Blunk's flat - where they questioned him as to why they were being watched.

The gangster said that his boss (Jirraith) was not pleased at the number of Pale Dog bodies the group had killed in the past few days, and was planning revenge. The four engaged in some light terror tactics and send the young man back naked to his boss with a message that they didn't want any more trouble and would leave the Pale Dogs alone if the Pale Dogs left them alone.

Exhausted from a long day - they split up and returned to their homes to sleep.

Meanwhile Olem had gone off to sort out one of his project, only to find himself being followed by Pale Dogs the moment he left Delver's Square. He spent over an hour on the run from them, finally giving them the slip and carefully making his way to his home - only to find it had been ransacked and all his goods stolen by Ratfolk. His landlords made it clear he could no longer stay there - so he trudged through the rain to stay the night at the Ghostly Minstrel - where he had the first good sleep and proper bath in who knows how long.

Morning of 20th of Blessing, 721 I.A.                               

The day dawned warm and cloudy, with rain slick cobbles. The party made some purchases in Delver's Square, then Breca, Blunk, Faeleth and Varrick headed back down the the Dungeon in search of loot!

They retraced their tracks to find the stairs down to the Beast Cult caves, and were relieved that the zombies they had fought before were gone - but shocked to find that someone had installed a door (warded with some sort of Wizard Lock spell) at the head of the stairs leading down to the Beast Cult caves.

Rather than break it down, they used the nearby secret door and descended the stairs there, uncovering a secret room containing an old camp (6 bedrolls, old food containers, and 3 potions - 2 of lesser healing and one of restoration) and stairs leading down to an illusionary wall.

Beyond the wall they found evidence of a fight and a dead, blue furred gnoll. 

Beyond this chamber they could hear crashing and singing in a guttural language - scouting carefully ahead they found 4 drunken gnolls signing and dancing in a nearby room. The party quickly dispatched them and discovered they had taken a goblin (Skarga) prisoner.

Questioning Skarga, the goblin said he was part of The Host of the Beast, and that he had been captured when the gnolls fought his leader Ramscorn. He agreed to draw a map showing what he knows the dungeon area in return for release - and after doing so the goblin fled.

The session ended there.

Marcus,Vagger Nulus, and Laucio Dellinti.

Goblin Map 1

Goblin Map 2

Friday 12 February 2021

Earth, Wind & Fire!

No, not the band.

Jinn this time around. These were all painted last summer and are mostly older miniatures - several of which are repaints.

First up - a quartet of Jinn

Dungeons & Dragons Jinn:  Djinn - Dao - Marid - Efreeti

Sunday 31 January 2021

Fungi from the depth!

 I spent a good part of November and December working on & off on on my collection of fantasy mushrooms, fungus & "Myconids". It let me play with a stranger array of color than my usual style of miniature painting. 

I view them as an experiment - I'm not happy with all of them by any means but it was fun.

When Mushrooms Attack!!!

First up are some figures from Reaper Miniatures Bones line... 

Sunday 24 January 2021


 Some terrain pieces I finished last year - something for a lord's study, or a wizard's library.

They are from Mantic Games and were included in the Game Master's Dungeon Starter set.

The following are from Mantic and Reaper Miniatures. The standing stones are from Mantic's Battlefield Objectives set, and the Sacrificial Altar is from Reaper. 

Thursday 21 January 2021

More Revisted Grenadier

 When I was repainted the Barbarian I posted about yesterday I also took a shot at repainting this guy, from the same set:

Elf Thief from Grenadier set "5001 Explorers"

Look at that... barely chipped from his 40+ years of adventuring under enamel paint.

I'm fairly pleased with the revisit, though he has lost his dayglow green elven eyes, and looks more like rogue late for his haircut appointment.


Hook Horror

 This was part of my December painting run - the Nolzer's Hook Horror, one of my favorite monsters from the Fiend Folio.

Went with earthy browns and greys with gloss on the beak and spines/hooks.


Old Barbarian!

This repaint was inspired by a Dr. Faustus painting clinic video wherein he repainted this same miniature.

I was pleased it came out as well as it did - given that it was painted for the first time roughly 40 years ago.

Grenadier Barbarian circa 1980

This was one of the first miniatures I purchased back when starting to play D&D.

It's from the Grenadier AD&D miniature box set 5001 Explorers.

Grenadier 5001 Explorers

For more info see the DnDLead website.