Sunday 31 January 2021

Fungi from the depth!

 I spent a good part of November and December working on & off on on my collection of fantasy mushrooms, fungus & "Myconids". It let me play with a stranger array of color than my usual style of miniature painting. 

I view them as an experiment - I'm not happy with all of them by any means but it was fun.

When Mushrooms Attack!!!

First up are some figures from Reaper Miniatures Bones line... 

Myconid with thief for scale
White version - not as happy with this one

Violet Fungi #1 (Reaper Killer Fungi)

Violet Fungi #2 (Reaper Killer Fungi)

Next are some Myconid Guards from Wizards of the Coast's pre-painted set "Abberations" released in 2004. Their original paint job was a little boring (tan & brown) so when I started painting the Reaper minis above I pulled these out of their cases & went a little crazy.

Then I touched up the paintjob on a couple of Killer Fungus from the Wizkids prepainted set "Pathfinder Battles Maze of Death" I painted both of these with the same scheme - so only one picture:

Violet Fungi ready to lash out...

Then I moved back into unpainted minis - these guys are from Wizkids - D&D Nolzur's Marvelous Miniatures: Myconid Adults. 
These two are my favorites - both for the sculpts and the paint jobs.

This one looks much better on the table - I had trouble catching the color properly
My favorite color scheme

That it for now - next time Elementals and Djinn...


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